We set out everyday to get better, have fun and enjoy the greatest game on earth! Regardless of your skill level if you have a passion for the game or a deep desire to get better, Porzak Golf is the place for you! Our ability to simplify the swing and personalize the instruction to the player we have in front of us has been tested and proven with each of our students. Below are the services we offer, feel free to contact us as we are able to cater to any type of event or experience our clients can hope for.
Private Lessons:
– Private instruction on range and on course and psychology (minimum 1hr – full day). Flightscope, BodiTrak, FocusBand technologies available. – Group Clinics, Corporate Events, or want us to come to you? Contact Us for details! – Destination and Travel Experiences contact for detailsGolf Fitness Training:
Improve your mobility, build strength and build confidence with our Director of Fitness Cody Smith CS1 FitCorporate Clinics:
Treat your clients, business associates, and/or top employees to one or several memorable days of golf instruction designed to make golf an enjoyable experience. Contact to inquire.Camps:
Seasonal Golf Camps are offered for your groups of Junior players! Send us an email at to receive notifications when available.
Porzak Travel
Porzak Golf is pleased to announce the addition of Porzak Golf Travel. Our passion for golf and travel has resulted in our travelling to many of the finest golf courses and resorts throughout the world. Being a member of the International Association of Golf Tour Operators allows us to develop relationships with key vendors who assist us in planning and coordinating every aspect of golf trips for groups and/or individuals. Contact Roger Porzak via email at and "experience our experience"!